Sustainability and climate change

We have been on the forefront of understanding climate change as a business issue. From that perspective, we help policy makers appreciate the complexities of preserving a sustainable environment and a resilient business community.

Wind turbines and trees

Canada’s professional accountants have been involved with sustainable development and climate change issues for more than 25 years. From the Global Reporting Initiative, to the Prince of Wales’ Accounting for Sustainability (A4S) initiative, CPA Canada has been ­– and remains – engaged in building a more sustainable future.

CPA Canada promotes dialogue between government, business and all Canadians on how we build a sustainable economy and preserve our natural endowment. We do this by:

  • promoting awareness of CPA Canada’s climate-related research and thought leadership
  • advocating policies that promote both climate change mitigation and adaptation, as well as a business environment that supports clean growth and the development of clean technology
  • helping government appreciate the business implications of various policy options

As creators, enablers, preservers and reporters of sustainable value, accountants bring an important business perspective to Canada’s climate change dialogue.


CPA Canada submission to Consultations on a National Adaptation Strategy, September 2022

CPA Canada's submission to Consultations on a Just Transition, March 2022

CPA Canada's submission to Consultations on the draft Federal Sustainable Development Strategy (FSDS), April 2019

CPA Canada responds to the interim report of the Expert Panel on Sustainable Finance, February 2019

CPA Canada's submission on Canada's Approach on Climate Change: Let's Talk Climate Action (Pan Canadian Framework), August 2016