Managing finances in retirement
Learn how to better manage your finances and make your money stretch for you in your retirement.
Time frame: 60 min
Learning objectives for participants:
- understand why it’s so important to manage finances in retirement
- learn the art of budgeting
- understand how to stretch your retirement resources
- learn about the different stages of retirement
- the importance of managing your retirement
- the art of budgeting
- balancing the budget
- sources of retirement income
- expenses
- stretching your retirement resources
- common retirement strategies
- the three stages of retirement
- tools and resources
- Q&A
Learning materials:
- Planning for the End of Life Guide (CPA Canada)
- general information for:
- Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (CAFC)
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police (Scams and Fraud)
For questions, please email us.
Proudly sponsored by Canada Life, our National Development Sponsor.
Want a session in your area?
We will provide a CPA volunteer to lead the session with a prepared presentation, activities, handouts and worksheets. Note: If more than one session is needed, please fill out a second form and submit.
Request guidelines:
- 12 weeks’ notice needed to setup a session.
- Requests must be submitted by the request deadline.
- If more than five sessions are needed, please contact us directly.
For more information, visit setting up a financial literacy session.