Practical experience reporting tool (PERT) user modules for technical users
These interactive modules are designed to enhance your user experience when you perform tasks in the practical experience reporting tool (PERT).
We have developed modules to assist users who will perform technical tasks within the practical experience reporting tool (PERT). These modules are interactive and contain supplemental resources, such as videos and fact sheets that will enhance your user experience and help you become more effective and efficient when performing your tasks. These modules contain sensitive information and are not to be distributed or shared with students/candidates, mentors or employers.
There are five modules:
- CPA Administrator Orientation Module — Designed for CPA PERT administrators, this module provides an overview of how to use the PERT.
- CPA Administrator Executive Tasks Module — Designed for CPA PERT administrators, this module builds on the orientation module and explains step by step how to complete the tasks expected of a CPA PERT administrator, such as setting the status of CPA mentors, assigning CPA reviewers, investigating experience reports, and much more.
- CPA Pre-Approved Program Coordinator Module — This interactive module guides pre-approved program coordinators to assist them with the tasks associated with setting up pre-approved programs in the PERT.
- CPA Coordinator Module — This interactive module explains how to set-up or remove reviewers from PERT.
- CPA Reviewer Module — This interactive module explains how to assess all experience reports that have been assigned to a reviewer by the CPA administrator.
- Log-in link to PERT for Reviewers
Additional Information
If you have functionality-related PERT questions, please contact the PERT administrator for your province/region.