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Episode 4: The impact of Gen Z on the accounting profession

Our panelists of CPAs discuss the impact that Generation Z is having on the workplace and what this could mean for the future of accounting.

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In May 2021, the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) and the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) produced a study called Ground-breakers: Gen Z and the future of accountancy. The study suggests the future of accounting is no longer in the hands of baby boomers and gen-Xers. Millennials have stepped into leadership roles and a new generation with a distinct perspective on the profession is entering the workforce. Generation Z, born after 1996, are digital natives who have never experienced a world without the internet and are starting their careers when remote work is the norm. Gen Z signals a societal shift that will influence the evolution of the accounting profession over the next decade.

This episode features a panel with three unique perspectives to help understand this shift: Charlotte Hamilton, CPA, senior consultant at EY Canada; Murjanat "MJ" Dambatta, CPA, an assistant controller at Oliver and Bonacini Hospitality; and Safia Rahemtulla, CPA, an associate partner at EY Canada. They delve into the aspirations and expectations of Gen Z professionals, shedding light on their motivations.

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Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the guest and do not necessarily reflect those of CPA Canada

