Not-for-profit webinar series agenda

February 9, 2022

12:00pm - 1:00pm EST

The Well Governed Not-for-Profit+

Good governance of a not-for-profit organization helps to ensure that an organization manages its resources and risks effectively and has appropriate strategic direction to stay aligned with its objectives. But what does good governance actually look like? This webinar explores what an effective governance framework looks like, the pillars of a healthy relationship between the board and management, and other considerations and tips to ensure your organization’s board is effectively and appropriately contributing to the well-being of the organization.

1:15pm – 2:15 pm EST

The Top Ten Risk Management Tips for Charities and NFPs +

Charities and other Not-for-Profits (NFPs) are facing increasing legal and regulatory complexities and challenges in delivering their programs and services to members and the public. As such, it is important to understand developing trends in legal risk management considerations in order to reduce unnecessary exposure to legal liability and regulatory non-compliance. This session will enable charities and NFPs to identify some of the most common areas of legal risk and regulatory compliance issues and how to effectively address and manage those risks through practical tips and protocols. After attending this session, participants will be familiar with the following areas in order to better achieve effective legal risk management:

• Having an effective disaster preparedness plan in place

• The importance of understanding your organizational documentation

• Knowing who is in charge of the organization

• Ensuring compliance with privacy and anti-spam law

• Monitoring employee and volunteer liability risks

• Identifying and protecting an organization’s brand and knowledge base

• Monitoring third party use of property

• Checking insurance and risk transfer documentation

• Being prepared for a CRA audit

• Ensuring compliance with donor restrictions

2:30pm – 3:30pm EST

Do We Have Leadership Development Completely Backwards?+

For decades organizations have been providing millions of leaders with billions of dollars in leadership development. Despite our best efforts, our research shows that most employees are not getting the leadership they need. While we often turn to leadership development to fix this, recent research shows that only 28% of net-generation leaders are being trained on what they perceive are the most important things they are expected do as leaders (DDI).

So, the majority of people are not getting the support they need and the majority of leaders are not receiving the training they need to help. Since the number one talent problem for CEOs is the development of the next generation of leaders (DDI), we should be able to enlist the support and resources we need to solve this problem.

We just need to stop doing the same things we have always done a nd expect a different outcome. In our time together we will challenge the fundamental assumptions behind leadership development programs. We will help you see training and development investment in a new light.

February 16, 2022

12:00pm – 1:00pm EST

Financial Sustainability Plans for Charities and Non-profits+

Traditionally, most charities and non-profits use budgets as their primary financial planning and financial performance management tool. The next evolution of financial planning and financial performance management is the Financial Sustainability Plan. Join this session to learn about the elements of a good Financial Sustainability Plan and why you might want to use this tool to improve the long-term financial health, financial performance and financial sustainability at your charity or non-profit organization.

1:15pm – 2:15 pm EST

Revenue Trends For Nonprofit Finance Leaders+

The Canadian Association of Gift Planners exists to advance asset-based donations in Canada. This session will share insights into current trends around non-cash donations like publicly listed securities, life insurance and other donations of assets. We will also discuss the changes coming in the landscape of how funds are transferred as technology advances and how Canadians think about generosity, charities and non-profits. Updated information on how the pandemic affected donations, projections for how changing demographics will change the nature of giving, as well as information on Canada’s new $40 Billion charitable bequest campaign, “Will Power”.

Session Outcomes:

• Finance staff will gain insight into upcoming administration and compliance needs for growing trends of non-cash donations

• Finance professionals will learn more about advances in technology that will affect their organization

• New data and best practises developed by CAGP and the financial, tax and estate planning community will be shared

2:30pm – 3:30pm EST

Accounting Standards Board Update - Planning for the Future and Current Projects+

In this session Accounting Standards Board (AcSB) members will discuss the Board’s planned strategic priorities and will provide an update on current projects underway with regards to Accounting Standards for Not-for-Profit Organizations.