Simon Brascoupe

Simon Brascoupé


Simon (Anishinabeg/Haudenosaunee – Bear Clan) is a member of Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg First Nation, Maniwaki, Quebec. He is currently Senior Vice-President Education, Communications and Services with the First Nations Education Administrators Association which began operations in 2019. Simon is co-chair of the Financial Literacy Working Group for Indigenous Peoples with the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada. The Working Group’s focus is on bringing partners together to collaborate on Indigenous financial literacy priorities. He has a deep interest in First Nations financial wellness, volunteer tax clinics and research.

One of his proudest moments was working on the 60s Scoop Financial Wellness training, which took place across Canada. He was the principal researcher for the Literature Review of Indigenous Financial Literacy in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States (AFOA Canada 2013) and the lead writer for The Shared Path: First Nations Financial Wellness report. Simon obtained his Certified Aboriginal Professional Administrator (CAPA) designation in 2014. The designation has been critical to his career by offering a certification that Simon is very proud of and is recognized within the Indigenous community.