Sean Stephens

Sean Stephens

Sean launched into the world of the web in 1997 when dot-coms were plentiful, and the rules were changing on a daily basis (as they continue to do). He immersed himself in the technology of websites and servers, databases and programming languages, and this expertise allowed him to provide the technical vision for web projects in many industries. Treefrog Inc. has worked nationally and internationally with clients that include major corporations, leading educational institutions, government agencies and e-business innovators.

In 2001, Sean moved into his current role as CEO of Treefrog Inc., and continued to grow by double digits, year over year, since that time. Under his leadership, Treefrog has achieved recognition for growth and innovation, including the Bell Technology Award and Business of the Year awards in Newmarket and Aurora; Entrepreneur of the Year in 2017 and most recently he was awarded Employer of the Year in 2018.

Sean has long believed in the advantages of technology and innovation, being an owner and investor in several other tech businesses, such as LassoSoft, Perfect, and most recently an iOt business, Ubiqweus.

Today, Sean is an active speaker and regularly educates groups on various subjects relating to digital technologies, innovations and advancements in business. Drawing on his diverse background, technical knowledge, and creativity, Sean shares practical tips and ideas to help people understand websites, social media, and related technologies.