Samantha Hurwitz

Samantha Hurwitz

Sam is co-authors of the best-seller Leadership Is Half The Story: A Fresh Look At Followership, Leadership, and Collaboration (University of Toronto, Rotman Press), co-founders of FliPskills Consulting, an HR thought leader and innovator, and co-founders of FliP University, an online course startup, FliPing learning on its head.

Sam is FliP U’s Chief Encouragement Officer, though, you could argue that she is one of the world’s chief encouragers, offering heartfelt encouragement to everyone she meets! Sam spent her childhood creating: costumes, surprise parties, science fair projects, speeches, stories and crafts. In high school, her assertiveness flourished as she organized sit-ins and petitioned for girls to be allowed to take wood shop instead of cooking. So naturally, Sam grew up to be an Accountant. But this oddly creative and assertive accountant soon discovered her true passion: developing people. Sam is a sought-after leadership and followership coach, consultant and CPA with years of corporate and executive experience to boot! She enjoys helping people discover their “aha” and “ahhh” moments.