Manon Harvey

Manon is a director based in the Montreal office of PwC Law LLP and is also part of the indirect tax team of PwC LLP. She serves clients in all industries on Canadian Indirect Tax and U.S. sales tax. She has assisted both large and small clients in all aspects including advisory, planning, and compliance-related issues. She has more than 15 years’ experience serving clients with interprovincial transactions and an international presence. Notably, since the court decision Wayfair rendered in 2018 by the US Supreme Court, Manon’s practice focus has been to guide Canadian companies and especially technology companies thorough the complexity of the US sales tax. 
Manon has spoken widely on indirect tax matters to professional associations such as the Association de planification fiscale et financière, the CPA Canada, l'Ordre des comptables professionnels agréés du Québec and the Canadian Tax Foundation. She is currently a lecturer in the Graduate microprogram in indirect taxation of Université de Sherbrooke. She was also a lecturer in the Graduate program in taxation at the same university. She has written comments published in different publications.
Manon is a lawyer who graduated from Laval University. She also has a Master in Taxation from the Université de Montréal.