Jerry Buckland

Dr. Jerry Buckland

Jerry Buckland has been a Professor of International Development Studies for twenty-five years and before that time worked for as an Economist for an NGO in Bangladesh for five years. Jerry’s research and teaching is in an area that encompasses economics and society and includes financial wellbeing studies (micro-finance, financial inclusion, financial literacy), research and evaluation methods, community-economy based development, and rural and Indigenous Peoples’ development.

Jerry’s latest books include: Building Financial Resilience: Do Credit and Finance Schemes Serve of Impoverish Vulnerable People (2018, New York: Palgrave MacMillan), and, with Chris Robinson and Brenda Spotton Visano, Payday Lending in Canada in a Global Context: A Mature Industry with Chronic Challenges (2018, New York: Palgrave MacMillan). Jerry has also completed a number of team and university-based interdisciplinary research projects, and research contracts for federal and Manitoba government departments.