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Douglas Sellars

Douglas graduated from the University of Windsor with an Applied Science Degree in Chemical Engineering in 1979. He started his career as an operations engineer in a synthetic rubber plant at Polysar in Sarnia, Ontario. He quickly progressed to a production supervision position and then to manufacturing management positions within the organization.

Douglas has held manufacturing management positions in five different plants located in Canada, Belgium and Singapore over his 23 year career spanning from 1990 to 2013.

He was a member of the design team located in Dormagen, Germany, for a synthetic rubber plant eventually built in Singapore, then was lead operations manager on a project to design, construct, commission, start-up and operate the plant.

Douglas has been the energy manager for the ARLANXEO facility in Sarnia for the last three years. He implemented initiatives at the site consistent with ISO50001 protocols and coordinated energy savings activities, which have resulted in significant savings in costs and provided some incentive payout through utility provider programs.

He also lead the effort at the Sarnia site with respect to assessing the impact of the Cap and Trade Program and the decision to opt into the program to mitigate significant costs at the site arising from this program.