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Martin Martinoff

Martin Martinoff


Martin leads a foresight and innovation initiative on the future of the accountancy and finance profession for the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW), the UK’s leading professional body. He draws on a diverse experience spanning more than 15 years, in three countries, in the areas of entrepreneurship, design, innovation and policy.

As program manager at AuditFutures, Martin has prompted in-depth discussions around the topical areas of the ethics of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and professionalism; fostering ethical culture; blockchain and technology disruption; the future of the firm; UN Global Goals; design-thinking and innovation, and others. He facilitates workshops and convenes conferences that aim to invigorate civic discourse and engage professionals to think about the normative aspects of their work. Martin has authored many articles and publications, including “Enlightening Professions,” “Philosophy for Accountancy,” “Future Professional – The Journey,” “Ethos: a guiding compass for the future professional” and "Reimagining the Firm."

He has worked with more than 60 universities in the U.K., and has developed successful educational initiatives, including interventions as part of business school degrees, professional engagement programmes, CPD workshops for academics, and curriculum design planning with university departments.

Martin completed interdisciplinary graduate studies in Public Policy and Environmental Sciences at the University of Chicago, and undergraduate studies in Business Administration and Computer Science at the American University in Bulgaria.