Jennifer Hookey

Jennifer Hookey

Jennifer is the lead partner of EY’s Fraud Investigations and Dispute Services practice in Alberta. With more than 14 years of dedicated forensic experience, she has assisted clients in designing and implementing robust and comprehensive ethics and compliance programs, benchmarking fraud risk management frameworks against better practices, undertaking fraud risk assessments, training staff to raise awareness of fraud-related issues, and has also assisted clients to respond to various regulator enquiries and class actions. Jennifer has also undertaken forensic data analytics engagements for numerous clients.

In addition, Jennifer has led a broad range of investigations in Canada and overseas involving fraud, misappropriation of assets, bribery and corruption, facilitation payments, financial statement fraud, employee misconduct, insider trading, procurement fraud, theft of intellectual property, whistleblower accusations and other forms of inappropriate behaviour in business. As part of each investigation, Jennifer has provided comprehensive recommendations to her clients to design and implement more effective controls to minimize the potential risks of fraud and other inappropriate behaviours.

Jennifer has also acted as both a consulting expert and independent accounting expert. She has led and worked on numerous dispute advisory engagements, including agreement vetting, pre-litigation dispute consulting, business interruption claims, class action litigation, independent determinations, loss of profit claims, post-acquisition disputes and the quantification of economic loss.

Jennifer has extensive experience across a wide range of industries, including automotive, business services, construction, distribution, energy and natural resources, financial services, government, information technology, insurance, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, real estate, retail, telecommunications and transport.