Dharmesh Gandhi

Dharmesh Gandhi

Dharmesh is the national private client services (PCS) Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) and business tax incentives practice leader at EY.

Dharmesh has experience managing and working with a national team of professionals in SR&ED and other business tax incentives to deliver client service, quality, thought leadership, and claim eligibility.

Dharmesh has 14 years full time experience in successfully claiming and defending SR&ED tax credit claims. He also has experience supporting clients in claiming and obtaining SR&ED Tax credits across wide ranges of industries, including aerospace, automotive, healthcare, hardware and software development

Dharmesh has extensive experience in successfully facilitating CRA reviews.

He has involvement in the development of policies, procedures, and tools for the SR&ED practice.

In addition, Dharmesh is a passionate advocate for the high tech industry in Canada and is currently a board member for TechConnex.