Cindy Marques

Cindy Marques

Cindy attended York University in pursuit of a physics and engineering degree seeking to become an educator. Upon graduating, she noticed that most of her peers were ill-equipped to face the challenges of adulthood without a working understanding of the Canadian financial system and general financial literacy, which was never addressed in the Canadian educational curriculum she grew up with. This inspired a decision to pivot and pursue finance. She spent the next four years studying all things money and entered the industry as a financial advisor in 2016. However, she was faced with yet another challenge – the industry was outdated in its approach to working with younger individuals and often avoided working with them altogether. This is the demographic she was committed to serving. When she achieved her CFP designation in 2019, she left the “traditional” advisor world to focus on building up her own independent brand, providing fee-only advice to millennials seeking genuine and unbiased guidance. In spring of 2021, she co-founded MakeCents, a financial planning company rooted in financial literacy and coaching services for young adults who strive to live life on their own terms and redefine antiquated measures of “success”.