Bennett Moore

Bennett Moore

Bennett is one of RSM’s Leads for the Northeast Blockchain Innovation Team and oversees the CT audit team in researching blockchain technology and serving clients. He has expertise in blockchain and digital-asset services, public speaking, financial services, residential and commercial real estate, sales, data analytics and business development.

Bennett has been an active investor, trader, and researcher in the blockchain space for two years and has developed an in-depth understanding of the regulatory, accounting, and due diligence procedures for initial coin offerings, custodians, money transmitter businesses and more. He has leveraged this knowledge as an advisor for various blockchain startups and to develop data feeds that supplement trading and investment decisions. He has strong working knowledge of the consensus algorithms that provide the security and oversight for blockchains and has participated in numerous betas for decentralized applications built on public blockchains. Bennett is also a founding and managing member of an investment company that focuses on early stage investments in blockchain startups.

Bennett is a member of RSM’s national ICO and Bitcoin and Blockchain practice, which works to coordinate client services in the blockchain space for companies ranging from hedge funds and proprietary traders to virtual currency custodians and initial coin offering startups (ICOs). He has performed operational control assessments of virtual currency custodian systems and assisted with international and domestic tax structuring considerations for blockchain start-ups. He has developed numerous internal resources for his firm including a detailed due diligence assessment framework for ICO client acceptance, a US virtual currency taxation primer, reports on audit and valuation considerations, and national marketing initiatives. He has given presentations to various internal industry teams, universities and local panels and developed a national LPD course for RSM’s various conferences on the implications of blockchain technology. He also coordinated a partnership with a decentralized identity company to verify attendance at the national conference events for CPE credits.

Bennett is a representative for RSM on two blockchain initiatives at the Chamber of Digital Commerce, is a lead participant on the Accounting Blockchain Coalition, and helped facilitate RSM joining the Accounting Blockchain Coalition as a board member. Also as a member for the International Blockchain Real Estate Association, he participates in the association’s management and organization to advocate, educate, and implement blockchain technology in the real estate industry.