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CPA Professional Education Program (PEP): Important information and module resources

The CPA PEP Core, Elective and Capstone modules contain several resources that are available to candidates in an adaptive learning environment.

Adaptive learning platform: Transition to the new version in Spring 2024

We are excited to announce that our adaptive learning platform is undergoing a refresh to build a better learning experience for our learners. Candidates will see some minor updates and improvements to how the platform functions and its layout, while maintaining the core features that they are familiar with. Review the important information regarding this transition below.

Important information for the adaptive learning platform transition

The CPA Canada Learning Library 

The CPA Canada Learning Library covers technical and enabling competencies and consists of several volumes (eBooks) that are available to candidates. The eBooks include resources such as written instruction, snapshots, examples, summary problems and e-lessons on key technical topics.

Core, Elective and Capstone technical reviews

Candidates can access the eBooks and practice multiple-choice questions through a module-specific technical review within Brightspace (D2L), CPA Canada’s learning management system. Candidates are given access to all technical reviews once they are enrolled in the Introduction to the PEP module. 

In addition to housing the eBooks, the technical reviews offer the following optional features to support candidate learning, including:

  • a custom study plan based on a candidate’s availability to study
  • diagnostics that evaluate a candidate’s proficiency on technical topics in the module to pinpoint areas requiring further study
  • recommended eBook chapters for each unit, with accompanying knowledge check practice questions
  • tailored adaptive reviews that reinforce learning and provide candidates with an opportunity for additional practice
  • a question bank for candidates to attempt additional practice questions

Introduction to the CPA PEP module

All candidates are automatically enrolled in the optional Introduction to the PEP module, which contains various resources including, but are not limited to:

  • PEP orientation materials
  • module-specific technical reviews
  • an interactive case-writing tutorial
  • diversity, equity and inclusion training

Module Syllabi

Each module’s syllabus is publicly available on the Certification Resource Centre.

The CPA Canada Competency Map

The CPA Competency Map is a guide to understanding the competencies a candidate must demonstrate to become a CPA. Candidates are responsible for prerequisite knowledge as outlined in the CPA Competency Map and should use the document to understand what concepts are examinable. Refer to The CPA Competency Map for additional details.


Knotia is CPA Canada’s research platform for insights into accounting, assurance, and taxation matters. Through Knotia, candidates will have access to the following subscriptions:

  • CPA Canada Standards and Guidance Collection (exam reference)
  • Excise Tax Act (exam reference)
  • Federal Income Tax Collection (exam reference)

Exam resources

To access the PEP examination resources, refer to the Certification Resource Centre