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Pamela L. Zabarylo

Pamela is a tax partner in KPMG’s Financial Services group and serves as the leader of KPMG’s internal National Tax Accounting and Audit Support Group, responsible for addressing complex tax accounting matters in the application of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), Canadian and U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and developing internal training with respect to tax accounting matters. She has extensive experience servicing public companies in the financial services, industrial markets and consumer markets industries, on tax accounting matters including working with the Canadian tax authorities on the adoption of IFRS in Canada.

Pamela is a member of the Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada), the Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario (CPA Ontario) and the Canadian Tax Foundation. She is an active speaker at conferences on the topic of tax accounting issues including the following recent conferences: speaker and chair at the Acumen 2013 Income Tax Accounting & Reporting Conference (Sept. 2013); speaker at the KPMG-sponsored Tax Executive Institute’s Professional Development Day (April 2013); speaker and chair at the Acumen 2012 Corporate Tax Update Conference (Sept. 2012); and speaker at the Federated Press 8th Taxation of Financial Products and Derivatives Course (Sept. 2011).